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Inverted nipple
Q.  I have inverted nipple. I’m not married yet. I want to get surgery before marriage.

A.  Inverted nipple is the condition that the nipple is buried under or depressed into the the areolar complex. This can be congenital or acquired in the developmental stage. Following the adolescent period, breast tissue grows and adjacent skin, gland, and fatty component get abundant. If these structures outgrow the ductal structure under the nipple, nipple is pulled down under the skin and cause inverted nipple. For correction of the inverted nipple, both patients and plastic surgeons should take into account the possibility of damage to the duct, complications related to the scarring, recurrence, and planning of breast feeding. Consultation to the plastic surgeon about those considerations should be ahead of the surgery. Since the surgical procedure is relatively simple, surgery can be performed in outpatient department or one-day surgery center.


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